Special Awards


Congeniality Award:
This will be voted on by the contestants for the woman they feel has been a friend to everyone during their pageant stay.  

Photogenic Award:
The photogenic competition is a separate competition and has no bearing on the winner. The photogenic award is chosen from all photos in the Official Program Book.  This will include your headshot and any photos on your ad pages. To be eligible to compete for the photogenic award you must sell at least one full ad page in the program. 

Marriage Longevity:
Given to the woman who has been married the longest.  IMPORTANT:  Make sure we have your marriage date or you CANNOT be eligible for this award.

Memory Book Award
This will be given to the contestant who sells the most ad pages.

Fabulous Face Award
This award is given to the person who raises the most money through an on-line vote.  She automatically advances as a SEMI-FINALIST/FINALIST and a portion of the money earned is given to the pageant Charity of Choice, Victoria’s Voice.

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