Judges Preview


We do NOT plan to do this this year.  However, plans change…so we wanted you to be aware that we have done it in the past and MAY do so again.

The Judges’ Preview is a non-judged event designed to act as an “ice breaker” for both judge and contestants. This will be the first time the Judges see the contestants in person. It gives the contestants an opportunity to appear in front of the judges prior to any official balloting and it gives the judges a basic overall view of the contestants.

You will all line up alphabetically onstage wearing your swimsuit and then your gown, holding your number.  You will  take two steps forward, say your name and number and step back. Afterwards, you will change into your Interview Outfit and return to rehearsal. You will be called in alphabetical groups and escorted to the Interview Room. Rehearsals continue during the interview process. One group will be interviewed while other contestants continue rehearsing on stage.

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